Wednesday 5 February 2014

My Opinion On Everything...

...or just my ranting cynicism? I'm one of those people who has an opinion on everything that isn't boring enough to lose my attention after five seconds. That means I'm pretty damn opinionated about most things in life!

It doesn't necessarily mean that all my opinions are grounded in fact, research, or even that I've thought them through properly - sometimes it does just feel like there's an opinion on something for the sake of having one. That's probably where my opinion is more like the ranting cynicism, the small (and probably unimportant) things like complaining about tiny little continuity errors on the TV or some random post that's slightly annoyed me on the internet. Any excuse for a good rant, me.

Although, shock horror, sometimes my opinions can be on important issues! I actually kind of like debating with people, even more so if I can explain myself well and get them round to my way of thinking! As big headed as it may sound, it's a pretty good feeling when you explain something to a person in a way that makes you go, "Ooh, I actually sounded quite clever there! Go me!", and I don't think there's anything wrong with doing that if it makes me feel good about myself, even if the person doesn't agree with me. I'm not saying I won't ever come round to someone else's opinion, I would just need to be presented with solid reasons for that to happen; if they can't do that, I'll stay pretty grounded with my own opinion, thanks!

So hopefully, in this blog I want to try and get across both of these sides. Especially when I'm on my own, or don't get a chance to voice myself, I think 'Wouldn't it be great if someone could hear what I just thought?', 'This might be a really stupid thing, but I really want someone to listen to me!', or 'You know what, I feel really clever thinking this, people should know of my genius!' Ok, that last one was a bit exaggerated, but basically I just want somewhere to express myself, for someone to take notice, possibly even agree with me...

Even if no-one ever reads this, I think I'll enjoy having an outlet for my own thoughts. Maybe as a reference if anyone asks my opinion on anything, or just to read back on when I'm feeling particularly nostalgic or want to feel good about something I might have said. I can try to say that I'll post regularly, or even just whenever anything comes into my head I feel is worth writing down, but I can't promise anything; depends if it can hold my attention for more than five seconds...

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