Wednesday 5 February 2014

My Audience

Well, I found something I want to talk about already! That was quick.

I created this blog yesterday, and made my first post about, ooh, five minutes ago? Then I decided to look at the stats, and found out I had nine views already! Yeah, I hear you saying that nine whole people is a pretty awful number of people to be viewing a blog. But hey, don't put me down, nine feels exciting to me!

Anyway, the point of this post isn't to do with the numbers; it's to do with who these people actually are. At first, I thought these 9 views might just be me looking at my finished blog. And then I realised that it said the audience weren't from my area, and two of them were even from the United States! And I think I would have noticed if I'd suddenly moved to a whole different continent...

Even if they just came across it by accident, I want to know who these people are! On the offchance that they happened upon my blog for some reason other than they made a typo, I want to know how! I don't see why the information blogger gives us about our viewers (ahh, look at me fondly calling them 'my' viewers...) can't be more than just what country they were in, and especially what browser they accessed it on. Really, how is knowing what browser they used going to be helpful for me?

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to know every little detail about their lives. But I do want to know things like what kind of blogs they normally read, if they have any blogs so I can return the favour and read them back, if they found me interesting. Things that if I were ever going to build up an audience of more than nine, it would be actually useful to know!

So if you're one of the first nine people to read this, I appreciate it, even if it was by accident! And if for some reason you actually come back and view this again, I'd love to know all those little things if you feel like commenting :)

Especially you two from the United States. 
You are amazing. 

Rachael x